BAIKONUR COSMODROME, Kazakhstan, Dec. 5, 2005 — The launch of a Proton vehicle with the AMC-23 satellite aboard was postponed today, International Launch Services (ILS) announced. A new launch date has not been set.

The delay was announced after preflight testing indicated anomalous behavior of the flight control unit on the Breeze M upper stage. The Proton vehicle will be returned to the processing facility for further investigation of the anomaly.

ILS and Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, builder of the Proton vehicle, will announce a new launch date as soon as it can be determined. The satellite is being launched for Alcatel Alenia Space, which built AMC-23 for SES AMERICOM.

For updated status, please check the ILS U.S. domestic Launch Hotline at 1-800-852-4980.