Washington, DC — Women in Aerospace (WIA) is pleased to announce the selection of five new members to their board of directors. In addition to selecting new members, the board also elected Dawn Sienicki, DigitalGlobe, as their 2008 chair and Linda Karanian, Lockheed Martin Corporation, as vice-chair.

The newly approved board members are:

  • Deborah H. Alderson, President of the Defense Solutions Group at SAIC
  • Debra Facktor Lepore, President of AirLaunch
  • Cindy A. Malawy, VP of Marketing for Integrated Defense Systems at Boeing
  • Kay Sears, Senior VP of Sales, Marketing and Business Development for Intelsat General
  • Bruce A. Wald, VP and Director of Image Information Solutions for ITT Space Systems
  • Division

This distinguished line-up joins WIA’s current board members Carol Staubach, Booz Allen Hamilton; Alan Ladwig, Whitney, Bradley & Brown; Rosanna Sattler, Posternak, Blankstein & Lund LLP; Laurie Leshin; Molly Macauley, Resources for the Future; Annalisa Weigel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Kathy Tamer, United Space Alliance; and Rebecca Griffin.

Women in Aerospace (WIA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to expanding women’s opportunities for leadership and to increasing their visibility within the aerospace community. Any person who supports WIA’s mission and goals is eligible for membership. To learn more about WIA, visit: www.womeninaerospace.org