April 9, 2007

Ms. Carolyn Bushman
Wendover High School
10 Wildcat Boulevard
Wendover, UT 84083

Dear Ms. Bushman,

On behalf of the International Federation of Professional & Technical Engineers (IFPTE), AFL-CIO, I would like to present your students with the enclosed check in the amount of $1,000 to help support their trip to White Sands, New Mexico to see their “magnets” experiment launch and to participate fully in associated pre- and postlaunch activities.

In addition to its Science, Aeronautics, and Exploration missions, NASA is charged with inspiring young Americans to pursue careers in Science and Engineering. NASA’s education and outreach efforts are absolutely essential if NASA is going to successfully build its next generation of employees alongside its next generation of manned space vehicles. Supporting America’s science teachers on the frontline is a critical part of this effort.

IFPTE, which is NASA’s largest Civil Servant union and represents Boeing private sector workers in Utah, understands the importance of the study of science and engineering. In fact, each year when the early NASA budget proposals for education appear much lower than they should be, IFPTE reminds Congress to provide sufficient resources through the NASA budgetary allocations to fullfill the space agency’s eductional responsibility.

IFPTE congratulates you and your students for having your experiment selected and wishes you all the best in your efforts to explore and learn with NASA. We understand all too well that your students, and thousands like them across the United States, are the key to keeping America at the forefront of Science and Technology Research and Development so that we may continue to lead the world in Space Exploration.


Gregory J. Junemann,