Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Chairman of the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Science and Space, today congratulated Lockheed Martin on its selection by NASA as the contractor to develop the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV). It has been reported that the CEV program could bring as many as 1,200 new jobs to the Houston, Texas area.

“The selection of the contractor team to develop the new vehicle for America’s next generation of human space flight is an important milestone for NASA and the nation. I am pleased that NASA is moving forward today with a formal commitment to begin the development of these new vehicles and spacecraft,” Sen. Hutchison said. “These vehicles carry the promise of our nation’s future in human spaceflight in the new era marked by the President’s Vision for Exploration. I look forward to the timely completion of the CEV which will hopefully reduce or even eliminate any gap between the retirement of the space shuttle and the start of operations for these new systems.”