WASHINGTON – House Science Committee Chairman Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) today released the following statement following Space Shuttle Discovery’s successful landing:

“I commend the crew of the Space Shuttle Discovery and the entire NASA team on a successful mission. Last week, as we celebrated our Nation’s independence, we were filled with a sense of awe and pride as we watched Discovery lift off for the heavens. Today, we are just as proud to see Discovery and her crew safely return to Earth and mark our Nation’s return to human space exploration.

Scientists, engineers, and technicians have worked tirelessly over the past three years to mitigate the problems that tragically doomed the Shuttle Columbia in 2003. Today’s landing of the Shuttle Discovery, culminating a nearly flawless 13-day mission, is a clear indication that their efforts have been successful. While NASA must continue to be vigilant, the Shuttle is now poised to proceed with completing construction of the International Space Station, servicing the Hubble Space Telescope – should such a mission be deemed safe by Administrator Griffin – and moving forward with the implementation of the Agency’s multiple missions.”