New Assignments, Including CEV Service Module, Will Have Significant Workforce Impact

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced several new exploration work assignments for NASA Glenn Research Center, including the responsibility as lead to manage the contractor work package for the Crew Exploration Vehicle’s (CEV) service module and spacecraft adapter integration.  The new assignments will provide years of work for Glenn, and will likely have significant workforce impact.

“Our space program is more than high-tech machines and advanced computing; it’s the product of smart people—very smart people—working together for our nation.  NASA Glenn has proven time and again that it is a world class research facility and a major piece of NASA’s vision and future.  I am so pleased that NASA appreciates this and has awarded the Center the CEV service module project.  NASA Glenn provides a vital component for both NASA and greater Northeast Ohio, and I will continue to work to secure the vision for NASA Glenn’s long-term growth,” said Voinovich.

The service module is a vital element of the CEV, which will replace the shuttle when it retires from service in 2010.  It will provide major maneuvering capability with a propulsion system, generate power using solar arrays and keep the vehicle cool with heat rejection radiators.  Glenn’s CEV responsibilities will also include:

  • Oversight and independent analysis of the CEV prime contractor;
  • Flight test article and pathfinder production for the service module and spacecraft adapter; and
  • Integration analysis and systems engineering and integration.

Glenn was also given lead responsibilities for the Crew Launch Vehicle upper stage, including:

  • Designing and developing the thrust vector control subsystem;
  • Designing and developing the electrical power and power distribution system;
  • Developmental flight instrumentation package;
  • Leak detection sensors development;
  • Purge system;
  • Hazardous gas detection system;
  • Upper stage systems engineering and integration;
  • J-2X engine thermal/vacuum testing at Glenn’s Plum Brook Facility; and
  • Vehicle integration design analysis support.

The center will also take the lead in the development of an upper stage module for the advanced development flight test.

Level II or project tasks include:

  • Safety Reliability & Quality Assurance (SR&QA) – Lead for failure mode and effects analysis integration and program trends analysis; support for document maintenance, program trending, integrated hazards analysis, and quality audits; represent SR&QA at assigned systems integration groups;
  • Systems Engineering and Integration – Integrated power systems integration group co-lead, book manager for several system requirements review interface requirements document; support to analysis & trades and process & tools office; and support to flight performance; thermal & environmental control and life support; command, control, communication and information; and extravehicular activity systems integration groups;
  • Test and Verification – Lead for electrical power test bed definition/architecture; lead for power systems integration groups; support to avionics test architecture; and
  • Advance Projects Office – Support architecture refinement and conceptual design of future elements.

Find attached a timeline of Senator Voinovich’s recent Glenn Research Center accomplishments.

NASA Glenn: Steps Taken by Senator George V. Voinovich

June 5, 2006

Senator Voinovich has been fighting for NASA Glenn since his days as mayor of Cleveland, and is fully committed to helping Glenn obtain a larger theme and secure larger projects within NASA.  The senator is pleased with the official announcements today regarding work that will be going to Glenn, and is proud of all Glenn has done to secure the projects.  The following are steps Senator Voinovich has taken to secure the vision for NASA Glenn’s long-term growth. 

May 2006

  • Sent letter to Administrator Griffin with Senator Mike DeWine regarding Glenn and all it offers for the Crew Exploration Vehicle’s (CEV) service module.

April 2006

  • Met with Dr. Lisa Porter at Center Day for Glenn.  Senator Voinovich had the opportunity to stress the importance of aeronautics, and followed up with a letter to Dr. Porter reiterating his concerns and views regarding aeronautics and American competitiveness.
  • Sent letter to Administrator Griffin reiterating key points from their discussion in October 2005, and emphasizing the importance of a larger role or theme for Glenn – specifically the service module – as well as aeronautics funding.

March 2006

  • Co-sponsored an amendment to the Budget Resolution with Senators DeWine, Warner and Allen, which called for increased funding for NASA aeronautics by $179 million, or enough to boost funding back to the FY 2006 level after the 1 percent rescission.  The amendment passed.
  • Discussed the importance of Glenn and it’s enormous capabilities with Karl Rove and Andy Card.
  • Met with Glenn Research Center officials regarding budget and workforce issues to determine the best strategy for helping Glenn move forward.

October 2005

  • Spoke with Administrator Griffin regarding Glenn’s enormous capabilities and securing a larger mission for NASA Glenn.

September 2005

  • Co-sponsored an amendment to FY 2006 Commerce, Justice and Science (CJS) appropriations to increase spending for aeronautics, and subsequently, helped secure $1.1 million for NASA Glenn research and technology programs in advanced aeronautics, including turbine engine research.

July 2005

  • Sponsored a jet-fuel efficiency amendment to the Energy Policy Act for 2005 that passed, which directs the Department of Energy to enter into a cooperative agreement with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for the development of ultra-efficient engine technology for aircraft.  This is an important provision that offers both environmental and economic benefits to Ohio and the nation.  For FY 2007, Senator Voinovich requested the $50 million authorized by EPA for each year from FY 2006 through FY 2010. 
  • Placed a “hold” on the NASA Authorization Act, which Senator Voinovich dropped only after his concerns for Glenn and aeronautics were addressed.  The senator helped secure key amendments to this bill for NASA Glenn and aeronautics.

March 2005

  • During Senate consideration of the Budget Resolution, Senator Voinovich co-sponsored a Sense of the Senate amendment with Senators Allen, Warner, and DeWine that called for increased funding for the vehicle systems portion of the Aeronautics Mission Directorate budget for use in subsonic and hypersonic aeronautical research. 
  • Worked on enhanced-use leasing, which would allow NASA to retain all payments received through leasing under-utilized facilities and allow NASA to receive “services-in-kind” in lieu of cash for lease payments.  Due to this work, the White House agreed to support this for NASA Glenn.

February 2005

  • Signed a letter to President Bush expressing concerns with the budget proposal, the impact it will have on NASA Glenn and the need to restore aeronautics funding in the NASA budget.