NASA announced Wednesday that Joe Davis, chief of strategic communications, is leaving the agency to take a position with a private sector public affairs firm.

Davis served on the senior management team for NASA Administrator Michael Griffin, overseeing the offices of legislative, public, external affairs and education.

“Joe has been a trusted member of my management team since the day I came back to NASA,” Griffin said. “He has provided sound advice and counsel regarding every facet of NASA’s strategic posture. We are sorry to see him leave, but he will always be welcome at NASA. Many of us have come to know Joe as a colleague, but I also count him a friend.”

“After nearly 10 years in the public sector, I felt like this was the right time for me to return to private life,” Davis said. “We have made significant progress this last year and I told Mike that, as I leave NASA, I will remain committed to helping him achieve his goals for the agency. Now, I will just be doing that from the private sector.”

“It has been a pleasure serving the President at the Department of Energy and at NASA.”

Prior to NASA, Davis served as principal deputy director of public affairs at the U.S. Department of Energy and on the senior staff of Secretary Spencer Abraham. In the Senate, he served on the leadership staff of Senator Connie Mack and the personnel staff of then Senator Spencer Abraham. For his NASA biography, visit:

For more information about NASA and agency programs, visit:

Related Releases:

Artemis Strategies Welcomes Top NASA and Department of Energy Appointee Joe Davis to the Team

Washington, D.C. – Artemis Strategies announced today that Joe Davis will be joining the lobbying and public affairs firm as Senior Vice President.

Davis returns to the private sector after nearly 10 years of government service. Most recently, Davis served on the executive management team of NASA Administrator Mike Griffin, overseeing the extensive portfolio of legislative, public, external affairs and office of education. He is the first member of the agency’s new executive management team to head to the private sector.

Prior to NASA, Davis served as Principal Deputy Director of Public Affairs at the U.S. Department of Energy and on the senior staff of former Secretary Spencer Abraham.

At Energy, Davis led public affairs activities involving high-profile issues including the Yucca Mountain project, environmental cleanup, and science, along with other critical issues within DOE. On the Hill, Davis was a member of the leadership staff of former Senator Connie Mack (R-FL) and the personnel staff of former Senator Spencer Abraham (R-MI).

Tim Powers, Co-Chairman of Artemis Strategies, said, “Joe’s wealth of Capitol Hill, executive branch and business community experience will be an added benefit to the firm. His understanding of the media and how it impacts public and government affairs strategies is a strength that will serve our clients well.”

Previously, Davis served in communications management positions with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and National Association of Manufacturers. He is a veteran of numerous political campaigns, including races in South Carolina, Tennessee, and Michigan and has managed strategic communications and public affairs for a variety of legislative initiatives and coalitions.

From: Davis, Joseph H. (HQ-AA000)
Sent: Wed May 03 16:03:51 2006
Subject: FW: Dear Friends, it has been a pleasure…

Dear Friends,

After nearly 10 years in public service with the U.S. Senate, Department of Energy and NASA, I have decided to leave government service and return to a position in the private sector. I will be joining the Washington D.C. public affairs firm of Artemis Strategies as senior vice president.

It has been my honor and privilege to serve this past year as a member of Mike’s senior management team. We have realized many significant achievements with the legislative, public, external affairs and education teams, and I am grateful to have contributed to the Agency’s mission. Now, it is time to move on.

I owe a debt of gratitude to all of my colleagues and friends for their support during my time at the agency. I remain committed to helping each of you achieve your goals for NASA. Now, I will just be doing that from the private sector.

With warm regards.

Joe Davis

Joe Davis