News media who want to cover the Space Shuttle Return to Flight
Mission (STS-114) at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, Fla., have three
weeks left to apply for credentials. U.S. and foreign national media
must submit their requests via the online accreditation Web site:

To obtain accreditation, media representatives must work for
legitimate, verifiable news-gathering organizations. Key dates and
deadlines for launch, mission, and landing credentials are:

April 10: deadline for foreign national journalists to submit
accreditation requests

April 15: deadline for journalists who are U.S. citizens to submit
accreditation requests

May 15-June 3: targeted window for launch of Space Shuttle Discovery

Only media meeting the firm April 10 and April 15 accreditation
deadlines will be able to participate in STS-114 mission events at
KSC. Events begin with the Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test
(TCDT) in late April and run through launch, mission and landing.
Credentials will be honored for the entire period from TCDT through
landing; however, news outlets will be limited to minimum numbers for
Space Shuttle launch day activities.

Once accreditation is approved, media will receive confirmation via
e-mail within 30 days with instructions on where badges can be picked
up. Other Return to Flight-related media events at KSC, including
Discovery’s rollout to the launch pad and the tanking test, require
separate accreditation. Media must apply for each individual event.

Media organizations with special logistic needs or requests, such as
space for production or administration trailers, electrical
connections or work-stations in the newsroom, must contact Cheryl Cox
at 321/867-2468 or by 3 p.m. EST, April 15.
Work stations are provided on a first-come basis.

Media wishing to set up temporary telephone, fax, ISDN or network
lines must make arrangements with Bell South at 800/213-4988. In
order to set up a line, media outlets must have an assigned seat in
the KSC newsroom.

Media are required to have a public affairs escort to access any area
at KSC, except the Launch Complex 39 cafeteria. For specific
questions regarding accreditation, contact Kandy Warren or Mandi
Falconer at 321/867-2468.

For the latest information on NASA’s Return to Flight efforts on the
Internet, visit: