Civil servants at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida set a record with their contributions to those in need during this year’s Combined Federal Campaign, with 85 percent of the work force contributing more than $433,000. This far exceeded the goal of $325,000.

Those funds included a total of $158,000 targeted for distribution to local charities, and more than $19,000 donated to the NASA Family Assistance Fund.

Center Director Jim Kennedy was thrilled with the results and praised the work force for its generosity. “The KSC work force truly lived up to this year’s campaign slogan, ‘Launching Dreams of Those In Need,’ ” he said.

Campaign chairman Ray Lugo said he was grateful for the overwhelming support and kindness. “This continuing legacy of generosity of the NASA team in the Central Florida community is most certainly one to be proud of as we give to those in need,” he said.

The Combined Federal Campaign is an annual fundraising drive conducted nationally by federal employees in their workplace. Each year, federal employees and military personnel raise millions of dollars through the campaign that benefits thousands of non-profit charities.