Foreign news media, planning to visit NASA Headquarters in Washington, are required to submit a formal access request at least five business days in advance of their visit. Requests must be submitted through a NASA Headquarters Public Affairs Officer or through the NASA Newsroom.

Foreign news media desiring access to NASA field centers generally must submit requests 14 to 30 business days before arrival date. Requests should be made through the NASA Field Center newsroom. For Space Shuttle Return to Flight activities at the Kennedy Space Center, Fla., and Johnson Space Center, Houston, requests should be submitted immediately.

Foreign media representatives must provide: their full name; date and place of birth; citizenship; social security number (if applicable); date of visit; purpose of visit; job position or title; employer’s name and address; passport number; passport country of issue; passport expiration date; Green card or visa number; type of visa; and visa expiration date.

Contact the NASA Headquarters Newsroom (202/358-1600) or appropriate NASA field center newsroom to resolve access issues. For NASA headquarters and field center points of contact on the Web, visit: