The Market Study for Space
Exploration is a comprehensive, in-depth analysis of American views, attitudes
and feelings toward NASA and particularly the Vision for Space Exploration
(VSE). Dittmar Associates conducted extensive interviews with participants
nationwide to better understand American attitudes toward the space program,
and to explore differing views and perspectives among various demographic
segments of the population. The Market Study presents specific, valuable
information on market strengths, stratification, weaknesses and “soft spots”
requiring the attention of advocacy, government, and business groups
interested in promoting the VSE. Some of the results include:

  • Endorsement of the space program in general is very strong, with 69% of Americans voicing their support.
  • Interest and excitement about the Vision for Space Exploration is strong for near-term aspects of the plan (65% of Americans responded positively) and for returning to the Moon. This is not true for plans to send humans to Mars, which is seen as involving much more risk (only 18% of Americans responded positively).
  • Out of 5 options, Americans ranked “International participation and cost-sharing” as their #1 choice for funding the Vision — with certain conditions.
  • There are large and significant differences in the degree of enthusiasm about the plan on the basis of sex, ethnic groups, age, and other variables.
  • Americans understand and appreciate the benefits of the space program (“spin-offs,” science, and the impact of space-based technology developments to daily lives).
  • Americans believe that much more can be done to promote NASA and its goals.

Drawing from over 1000 interviews, more than 60 pages in length and
containing more than two dozen tables and graphs, the report does much more
than simply categorize the respondents — it provides insight into the
concerns, ideas, motivations, and desires of the American public as it
considers the issues associated with a long-term plan for space exploration
and human space flight. The Table of Contents and an Abridged Summary are
available for free download on the Dittmar Associates website at , where the complete Market Survey may be

Dittmar Associates is a Small Woman-Owned Business in Seabrook, Texas,
specializing in market research, training, business development, and R&D. The
owner, Dr. Mary Lynne Dittmar, has been designing, implementing and publishing
research in professional and scientific journals across a broad array of
topics for 25 years and leads an expert team of researchers, trainers,
business consultants, and engineers. Dittmar Associates provides business and
technical expertise tailored to the needs of each client, and leverages
academic and business partnerships to bring the “best of the best” to its