Students can experience learning in a whole new light this
school year with NASA’s Network of Educator Astronaut Teachers

Educators from 39 states are bringing an “out-of-this world”
experience into the nation’s classrooms. These exemplary
educators were in the top tier of applicants for the Educator
Astronaut Program, launched in January 2003. They will showcase
space and science to their students and communities, expose
them to various career possibilities and activities related to
the Vision for Space Exploration (VSE).

The VSE calls for NASA to finish building the International
Space Station, develop a new space vehicle to replace the Space
Shuttle, return to the moon, eventually send astronauts to Mars
and worlds beyond.

More than 1600 applications were received for NASA’s Educator
Astronaut Program. A team of experts reviewed the applications
and selected the top 197 for evaluation by the Astronaut
Selection Board. Three of the 197 were selected as Educator
Astronauts May 6.

The remaining 194 educators are part of the special group
called NEAT. The program allows them to continue their
involvement in the VSE by conducting workshops and
informational briefings in their local schools, using NASA’s

“The NEAT teachers provide a powerful complement to the
Educator Astronauts. They will provide a wonderful opportunity
to strengthen the NASA network with schools across the
country,” said Dr. Adena Williams Loston, NASA’s Chief
Education Officer. “It is expected the content areas of
science, math, technology and engineering will be improved in
the schools where the NEAT teachers become involved.”

ASA is providing NEAT members a series of workshops and
networking activities. During their first workshop, over the
summer at NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC), Houston, NEAT
participants had briefings, tours, and exchanged innovative
teaching techniques.

Sessions also provided them with knowledge about NASA
resources, missions, special access to facilities and
personnel, strategies for using NASA content in the classroom,
components of astronaut training, and agency education

NEAT program schools and their locations are listed on the
Internet at:

For information about NASA education programs on the Internet,

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