Manchester, NH – “I want to congratulate the men and women of NASA on successfully landing the Spirit spacecraft on Mars. The people of New Hampshire should be particularly proud-the success of Spirit is due in part to an advanced airbag fabric manufactured by Warwick Mills right here in the Granite State.

Mars is the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. This mission will help us discover whether there ever was life beyond Earth and it will improve our understanding of climate change.

Spirit is an example of how, working together, government, private industry, and NGO’s can advance science, education, and our economy, all at a reasonable cost. We need leadership that supports sensible investments in space technology.

America’s children are already drawing inspiration from this achievement. This year, more than 34,000 students participated in the Mission Mars Lego League in anticipation of this historic landing.

Today’s images of our sister planet-beamed back from the Spirit-will inspire our children to become the leading scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs of tomorrow.”