NASA Deputy Administrator Frederick D. Gregory has been
selected as one of the 50 Most Important African-Americans in
Technology for 2004.

The award is from the editors of and U.S.
Black Engineer & Information Technology magazine. Gregory
will be featured in the January/February issue of the

Honorees are annually selected for this list based on their
work in making technology part of global society. Their
accomplishments are upheld as examples of the important
contributions made on a daily basis by the half-million
African-Americans in high-tech jobs.

"I’m pleased that Fred’s commitment to NASA and his ongoing
efforts to make this agency’s mission relevant are being
recognized," said NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe. "He is a
role model for a new generation of explorers, and I’m sure
the entire NASA family joins me in congratulating Fred’s
selection for this award."

As Deputy Administrator, Gregory serves as the chief
operating officer for NASA and reports directly to the
Administrator. He is responsible for directing and managing
many of the agency’s programs as well as day-to-day
operations and activities.

Prior to becoming the Deputy Administrator, Gregory served as
the Associate Administrator for Space Flight. He was
responsible for overseeing the management of the
International Space Station; Space Shuttle operations; Space
Access using Expendable Launch Vehicles for commercial launch
services; Space Communications; and Advanced Programs. He
held that position from December 2001 to August 2002.

From June 1992 to December 2001, he held the position of
Associate Administrator, Office of Safety and Mission
Assurance, at NASA Headquarters. As Associate Administrator,
he was responsible for assuring the safety, reliability,
quality, and mission assurance of all NASA programs.

Gregory has extensive experience as an astronaut, Space
Shuttle commander, test pilot, manager of flight safety
programs and launch support operations.

He will receive the award at a ceremony Feb. 20, 2004, in
Baltimore. Additional information about Gregory is available
on the Internet at:

More information about the prestigious 2004 "50 Most
Important African-Americans in Technology" list is available
on the Internet at: