NASA is looking for innovative and “out-of-the-box” ways
to tell the nation about the agency’s projects and programs.
NASA is looking to the private sector for suggestions to help
keep the American public informed about the space agency.

Here’s the idea: NASA information could appear on a consumer
product, be included as an insert in the packaging, or be
delivered by a service. NASA is particularly interested in
opportunities that are popular with students and those under
35 years old. NASA hopes to inform the public, while also
inspiring the next generation of explorers.

Organizations that produce, market or distribute popular
products or services may submit proposals to NASA
Headquarters by 4:30 p.m. EDT Oct. 3, 2003. The solicitation
is entitled, “Seeking Offers to Disseminate NASA Information
by Means of Consumer Products or Services.”

For details about the purpose, benefits, proposal
requirements or evaluation criteria, visit:

For information about NASA on the Internet, visit: