Space Shuttle managers will brief reporters this afternoon about NASA’s Space Shuttle Return to Flight mission (STS-114). The news conference starts no earlier than 5:30 p.m. EDT, and it will be carried live on NASA TV from the Kennedy Space Center, Fla.

Managers and engineers are meeting today to review data and possible troubleshooting plans for a liquid hydrogen low-level fuel sensor inside the External Tank. The sensor failed a routine pre-launch check during the launch countdown Wednesday, causing mission managers to postpone Discovery’s first launch attempt.

A new official launch date will be scheduled when a troubleshooting plan is complete and engineers are working on a solution.

NASA TV is carried by MPEG-2 digital signal accessed via satellite AMC-6, at 72 degrees west longitude, transponder 17C, 4040 MHz, vertical polarization. In Alaska and Hawaii, it’s available in analog through Return to Flight on AMC-7, at 137 degrees west longitude, Transponder 18, at 4060 MHz, vertical polarization, audio at 6.8 MHz. Today’s news conference is available on the Internet at:

For the latest information about the STS-114 mission, visit: