NASA Administrator Michael Griffin announced today the establishment of the Office of Program Analysis and Evaluation (PA&E), headed by Dr. Scott Pace.

The Office of Program Analysis & Evaluation reports directly to the Administrator. It has responsibility to independently assess program performance, make programmatic and institutional recommendations, perform cost analysis, and conduct strategic planning activities.

“This office will provide independent analysis to me on all aspects of NASA programs that is objective, multidisciplinary and as transparent as possible,” Griffin said. “As we move forward to implement the Vision for Space Exploration, it is important that we make logical and sound decisions on the investment of taxpayer dollars.”

PA&E will examine a variety of issues of strategic importance to NASA. The office will ensure all aspects of a major decision are considered and obtain pertinent information required to assist the Administrator in making well-informed, timely decisions. The long-term goal of the office is to ensure a strong, objective, professional PA&E function exists to serve the agency, as NASA continues to pursue the Vision for Space Exploration.

Consistent with PA&E’s advisory role, the office will have no budget authority or line responsibility for any agency programs. It exists only to serve NASA and its mission. PA&E has no vested interest in any sector of the NASA budget, and therefore retains its integrity as an independent assessment office.

PA&E has two major studies under way: the Shuttle/Station Configuration Options Team (SSCOT) and the Exploration Systems Architecture Study (ESAS). The SSCOT is examining configuration options for the International Space Station in the context of potential future flight rates for the Space Shuttle Program. The study is operating under the decision to retire the Shuttle no later than 2010.

Some of the topics the ESAS is reviewing include the requirements for returning to the moon, extending human exploration to Mars and possibilities for accelerating development of the Crew Exploration Vehicle. Both studies will be completed this summer in time to aid in key agency decisions.

Pace previously served as Chief Technologist for Space Communications and as NASA’s Deputy Chief of Staff. He also served as the Assistant Director for Space and Aeronautics in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy; the Bush-Cheney Transition Team for NASA and the National Science Foundation; the RAND Corporation’s Science and Technology Policy Institute; Deputy Director and Acting Director, Office of Space Commerce, Office of the Deputy Secretary, Department of Commerce.

Pace received a Bachelor of Science degree in physics from Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, Calif., in 1980; master’s degrees in aeronautics & astronautics and technology & policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., in 1982; and a doctorate in policy analysis from the RAND Graduate School, Santa Monica, Calif., in 1989.

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