Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs and Acting Chief of Strategic Communications Glenn Mahone and Assistant Administrator for Legislative Affairs D. Lee Forsgren announced today they are leaving NASA to pursue other opportunities, effective immediately.

Mahone joined NASA in April 2000 as press secretary and senior advisor. In January 2002, he was selected as lead for the Office of Public Affairs, and since late January he has served as acting Chief of Strategic Communications. Mahone helped develop a comprehensive communication strategy to better educate the public about NASA and the goals and objectives of the Vision for Space Exploration. NASA’s Exploration Vision announced by President Bush establishes a long-term path towards exploration, discovery and understanding.

Forsgren was named lead of the Office of Legislative Affairs in January 2004. Under his guidance, the Office of Legislative Affairs helped communicate the Vision for Space Exploration to Congressional members and their staffs. Similarly, the Office of Legislative Affairs also articulated the benefit of NASA to key state legislatures, earning proclamations and support in more than 15 states.

“Glenn and Lee have been solid contributors to NASA, helping this agency through transition, triumph and tragedy,” said Deputy Administrator Frederick Gregory.  “I appreciate their years of public service and wish them well in the future.”

In the interim, Deputy Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs Dean Acosta and Deputy Assistant Administrator for Legislative Affairs Angela Diaz will continue leading the day-to-day operations of each office.

For more information about NASA and the Vision for Space Exploration on the Internet, visit: