The Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) team led by Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] has successfully completed the System Preliminary Design Review (PDR) with its customer, the U.S. Navy.  The System PDR kicks off a key design and development phase for the space and ground segments to ensure the system will meet or exceed the customer’s requirements for the next generation narrowband tactical satellite communications system.

MUOS will provide significantly improved and assured communications for U.S. mobile warfighters.   With the adaptation of state-of-the art 3rd Generation (3G) mobile technology, the Lockheed Martin design will deliver simultaneous voice, data and video services as well as the ability to increase capacity and features over the life of the program.  Users of the current Ultra High Frequency Follow-On (UFO) system will have improved service and complete interoperability with MUOS to ensure a smooth transition.

More than 200 representatives from the Navy, Department of Defense agencies, as well as industry teammates General Dynamics C4 Systems, Scottsdale, Ariz., Boeing Satellite Systems (BSS), El Segundo, Calif., and other system engineering and technical assistance support contractors, participated in the three-day review held recently at Lockheed Martin’s Sunnyvale facility. The PDR validated that the MUOS architecture supports the Navy concept of operations and provides backward compatibility and interoperability with the UFO system.  The first MUOS satellite is scheduled for on-orbit hand over to the Navy in 2010 along with the entire ground system.

“We are extremely proud to have successfully completed this significant review in the MUOS program,” said Leonard F. Kwiatkowski, vice president and general manager, Lockheed Martin Military Space Programs.  “Working closely with our Navy customer, the team has taken an important first step towards providing warfighters the long-sought capability of real-time communications on the move.”

Last year, Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Sunnyvale, Calif. was awarded a $2.1 billion contract to build the first two satellites and associated ground control elements by the U.S. Navy. The Navy’s Program Executive Office for Space Systems, Chantilly, Va., and its Communications Satellite Program Office, San Diego, Calif., are responsible for the MUOS program. The contract also provides for options on three additional spacecraft.  With all options exercised, the contract for up to five satellites has a total potential value of $3.26 billion.

Contact: Steve Tatum, 408-742-7531; e-mail, Stephen.o.ta…