The Board of Directors and Board of Governors of the National Space Society were deeply saddened by the passing of Glen Wilson, executive director emeritus of the society.

Dr. Wilson was a tireless advocate for space exploration, and led the National Space Institute through its merger with the L5 Society to create the current National Space Society.

Leaders of the society, past and present, offered the following thoughts in memory of Dr. Wilson.

“From the very beginning, Glen worked hard helping to keep the fledgling National Space Institute afloat, and later, during its blossoming and the merging that brought into being the NSS, he was a stalwart supporter.  He will be missed by those who knew him.”

Hugh Downs
Chairman, Board of Governors
Author and television host

“I knew Dr. Wilson as a staunch supporter of America’s, and humanity’s, efforts to advance space exploration and development.  We became well acquainted soon after I came to Washington DC in 1987.  Always seeking to bring other ‘believers’ into the action of space advocacy he solicited my involvement in the National Space Society. With a characteristically vigorous and sometimes emotional appeal Glen convinced me to volunteer for board and executive positions.  He was a steadying, reasoning and seasoned force in founding and guiding the NSS.  I am greatly saddened by his death.  He is already missed, but the energy of his leadership and conviction has lit a star that will continue to shine.”

Charlie Walker
Past President, Executive Committee Chairman, and Board Director
First industry astronaut

“Glen Wilson provided critical leadership to the National Space Society over the past 20 years.  He was instrumental in developing the Aerospace Industry Advisory Council and negotiating the successful merger between the National Space Institute and the L-5 Society.  Personally, Dr. Wilson was one of the most influential people in my professional life — providing a lifetime worth of education about the formation of NASA and supporting me in my post-NSS career.  Glen cared deeply for the space program and his enthusiasm and support for the program will be greatly missed.”

Lori Garver
Former Executive Director
Former NASA Associate Administrator

“Glen was a mentor for many of us in the space advocacy movement, encouraging us to join and empowering us to participate.  He cared very deeply about the importance of creating human communities beyond Earth’s orbit, and the dedication that he passed on to others is his enduring legacy.”

Jeffrey Liss
Senior Vice President