Ranking Member Bart Gordon (D-TN) has announced the appointment of Chuck Atkins to the position of Democratic Staff Director for the House Science Committee. In addition to his appointment as Staff Director, Atkins will continue serving as Chief of Staff to Ranking Member Gordon.
“Given Chuck’s background and experience, he is well suited to lead a talented Science Committee staff with a bipartisan tradition and commitment to Member service,” Gordon said.
Atkins joins the Committee after serving as Chief of Staff in Rep. Gordon’s Congressional Office since 1998. He also served as Chief of Staff to former Rep. Scotty Baesler (D-KY) from 1993-1998.
Atkins is a former Congressional Staff Fellow with the John C. Stennis Center for Public Service as well as a founding partner of the Kentucky community development and housing consulting firm Atkins-Elrod and Associates. His military service with the U.S. Marine Corps included a tour of duty in Vietnam from 1967-68.
Rep. Gordon appointed Atkins to replace long-time Staff Director Dr. Robert Palmer who retired at the conclusion of the 108th Congress.