A plan to help America meet the demands of a future aviation system was
unveiled today.

DOT Secretary Norman Y. Mineta, FAA Administrator Marion Blakey, NASA Associate
Administrator Dr. J. Victor Lebacqz, government and industry leaders were present
for the release of the Integrated National Plan for the Next Generation Air
Transportation System.

Mineta called it, “a blueprint that will lead to the transformation of America’s
air transportation network, as the government is moving to prepare the country
for changes in the way we will travel by air in 2025 and beyond.”

The plan envisions a future of new affordable options to fly, including micro-
jets, more fractional ownership possibilities, and other on-demand services to
shorten curb-to-curb travel time and allow more consumer air transportation

NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe said, “NASA is proud to participate in this
first-of-its-kind multi-agency effort. Nothing is as important to the future of
our economy and our quality of life as transforming the Air Transportation System
to meet future needs.”

Congress established a charter in 2003 to create the Next Generation Air
Transportation System by the year 2025, and it created a multi-agency committee
to carry out the plan. The group includes — the White House Office of Science
and Technology Policy, Department of Transportation and its Federal Aviation
Administration, NASA, the Departments of Defense, Commerce and Homeland Security.

The plan is a long-term business strategy. It lays out goals, objectives, and
requirements in eight areas — airport infrastructure development, security, the
air traffic system, information technology, safety management, environmental
stewardship, weather forecasting, and global collaboration.

The development of innovative public-private partnerships is also a key component
to the entire effort. Under the direction of an executive-level policy committee,
six government agencies and representatives from the private sector will work to
direct and coordinate research, identify and resolve critical policy issues,
invest in necessary infrastructure and technology with 2025 in mind. The FAA and
NASA, to carry out the transformation effort, established a Joint Planning and
Development Office

The Integrated National Plan for the Next Generation Air Transportation System is
available on the Internet at: http://www.jpdo.aero

For information about NASA, agency aeronautics and other programs on the Web,
