NASA’s Exploration Systems Mission Directorate today
announced completion of a year- long external review of the
agency’s technology transfer activities.

The review was conducted by the National Academy for Public
Administration (NAPA) at NASA’s request to assist in focusing
technology transfer activities. The study provided eight
major recommendations, which are under review by senior
agency managers.

In accepting the recommendations and the comprehensive
report, Craig Steidle, Associate Administrator for
Exploration Systems, expressed his appreciation for the
Academy’s efforts. “The National Academy for Public
Administration has provided a comprehensive set of
recommendations, based on a thorough and painstaking review
of the NASA technology transfer program. We are grateful for
the Academy’s work and will faithfully consider and respond
to each of the recommendations,” Steidle said.

The NASA Technology Program has two major goals: to increase
the agency’s technical capabilities through the infusion of
technologies from external sources; and to increase the
nation’s economic strength through the transfer of NASA-
developed technologies into U.S. industry and markets.

The recommendations range from consideration of
organizational structure and responsibilities to developing
performance measures. One recommendation is to re-organize
and focus the activities of the national network of external

To prepare to address this issue, the views of industry and
academia were solicited through a Request for Information
(RFI). The RFI requested papers on a broad range of topics
pertaining to technology transfer, its mechanisms and the use
of technology in addressing them. Other recommendations deal
with improvements to supporting information technology
systems, internal reporting and the assignment of field
center responsibilities.

“NAPA provided a diligent, thoughtful and focused review,”
said Benjamin Neumann, manager of the technology transfer
program for the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate. “We
are eager to continue our implementation of the Academy’s
recommendations to the fullest extent possible and are
confident all will see a dramatic improvement in our
program,” he said.

The full report is posted on the NAPA Web site at:

For more information about the Exploration Systems Mission
Directorate, visit:

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