Top officials in NASA’s human space flight program are
meeting Friday to review the latest activities to return
Space Shuttles to safe flight. Among the topics that will be
discussed is approval of the new launch-planning window for
the Return to Flight mission, designated STS-114.

Following Friday’s meeting, NASA officials will brief the
media during a telephone conference at 3 p.m. EDT.

Participants for Friday’s media teleconference:

  • William Readdy, associated administrator for Space
    Operations and Space Flight Leadership Council co-
  • Walt Cantrell, Space Flight Leadership Council co-
  • Michael Kostelnik, deputy associate administrator
    for International Space Station and Space Shuttle

Reporters interested in participating in the teleconference
should call Melissa Mathews or Allard Beutel 202/358-
1272/4769 by noon EDT Friday to be included.

News media who do not want to ask questions can use NASA’s
monitor only phone lines: 321/867-1220/1240/1260. The
teleconference will be audio streamed live on the Internet

On Oct. 1, the Space Flight Leadership Council determined the
March-April 2005 launch window for STS-114 was not
achievable. The council directed the Space Shuttle Program to
assess how it would meet Return to Flight milestones for the
next available launch window, which opens May 14, 2005. The
Shuttle program will present its analysis at Friday’s
leadership council meeting.

NASA’s Space Flight Leadership Council is co-chaired by
Readdy and Cantrell, who is also deputy chief engineer for
the Independent Technical Authority. The council includes the
directors for NASA’s four Space Operations centers, Chief
Officer for Safety and Mission Assurance Bryan O’Connor, and
For more information about NASA’s Return to Flight efforts,

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