Conjoined twins from Guatemala and the Philippines were recently
separated after marathon surgeries in the United States, since their
small communities lacked the quality medical care for the delicate
procedure. Engineers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena,
Calif., are working with doctors on a computer system that might
eventually allow such high-tech surgeries to be performed in a remote
country using a virtual pediatric intensive care unit.

JPL computer engineers created software that will connect information
from various hospitals all over the world into one virtual intensive
care unit. The system would link doctors who need detailed and
specific information with researchers willing to share their data
about pediatric medicine.

For example, if a pediatrician in North Carolina were to want
information about the most advanced treatment for a child with bone
cancer, he could search the database and find the latest medical
studies conducted by researchers all over the country.

The software, called Object Oriented Data Technology Software, was
modeled after the Planetary Data System, a large software network that
helps space scientists translate terminology used in local databases
into standard language. Similar software is used to support the Mars
Exploration Rovers, currently exploring the martian environment.

“The problem has been that information has been generated for local
use, and now scientists are discovering the value of sharing research
within their various communities, said Dan Crichton, JPL senior
computer scientist. “This has been true in planetary science and
biomedicine and, now, in pediatric medicine.”

With the extended databases, pediatricians can also record patient
information directly from bedside monitors regardless of their
location. The computer system is also capable of storing the
information so researchers can use it for clinical trials and helping
educate other doctors dealing with similar patients.

Right now, the virtual pediatric intensive care unit is being
developed and tested at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles. Next year the
system will be extended to Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, Baltimore,
and Cornell University Medical Center, New York.

“The goal of the virtual pediatric intensive care unit is to enable us
to practice in one critical care unit where we will all have the
latest information available to care for critically ill children,”
said Dr. Randall Wetzel, director of critical care medicine at
Childrens Hospital Los Angeles. “The fast paced, compelling urgency
and the overwhelming diversity of diseases seen in children around the
world, makes communication among caregivers life-saving and essential,
but at the same time difficult.”

The virtual pediatric intensive care unit is ideal for hospitals
without advanced intensive care units. In the next few years,
engineers hope to install networked cameras, allowing doctors to check
on their patients in remote areas and assist their colleagues working
in isolated centers.

“It is extremely rewarding to see this NASA funded technology solving
a problem of national importance,” said Dr. Ken Wolfenbarger, manager
of JPL’s Innovative Technology Transfer Partnerships Office. “As part
of its mission, JPL welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with
outside companies to develop and transfer dual-use technology through
NASA’s Innovative Partnerships Program.”

There are about 275 pediatric intensive care units around the country.
Every year about 50,000 infants and children who need constant care
are admitted into these centers.

For more information on the Virtual Pediatric Intensive Care Unit on
the Internet, visit:

For more information on the Object Oriented Data Technology on the
Internet, visit:

For more information on JPL on the Internet, visit:

For more information about NASA on the Internet, visit:

For more information on Childrens Hospital Los Angeles on the
Internet, visit