Women in Aerospace (WIA) will honor three NASA women for
their professional aerospace accomplishments during the
organization’s 19th annual awards program tomorrow in

Estelle Condon, Associate Center Director for Astrobiology
and Space Programs at NASA’s Ames Research Center, Moffett
Field, Calif., will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Dr. Ann Thompson, a research scientist in atmospheric
chemistry at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt,
Md., will receive the International Achievement Award.

Dr. Rebecca A. MacKay, Science Advisor to the Materials
Division Chief at NASA’s Glenn Research Center, Cleveland,
will receive the Outstanding Achievement Award.

“Congratulations to these extraordinary women, who embody the
very qualities NASA needs to achieve the Vision for Space
Exploration,” said NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe. “In
addition to their own significant accomplishments, they have
consistently worked as role models and mentors to enhance the
transfer of knowledge to the next generation of explorers. I
salute them for their accomplishments and applaud WIA for
recognizing them.”

WIA will present the awards during a public reception at the
Rayburn House Office Building Foyer from 6 to 8 p.m.

WIA will present three other awards at the reception, the
Outstanding Leadership Award, the Aerospace Awareness Award,
and the Aerospace Educator Award, to women who work in the
private sector. WIA is a non-profit organization dedicated to
expanding women’s opportunities for leadership and increasing
their visibility in the aerospace community.

For information about NASA on the Internet, visit: http://www.nasa.gov