NASA selected a federally funded research and
development center, sponsored by the U.S. Air Force, to
provide independent engineering assessment support.

The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, Calif., will provide
NASA management with timely, objective, non-advocacy
assessments of the health and status of agency current and
potential programs. The assessments will be in key technical
programmatic areas including safety, design, engineering
process, manufacturing, assembly, operational mission
capabilities, cost, scheduling and risk.

The value of the Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity
(IDIQ) cost-plus-fixed-fee, task order contract is $49
million over five years. Administered at NASA’s Langley
Research Center (LaRC) in Hampton, Va., the principal work
locations are the contractor’s facility in El Segundo and

Types of assessments provided by the Aerospace Corporation
may include technical, management, cost, risk, environmental
impact, mission trajectory, resource use, analyses of
instruments, spacecraft and launch vehicle designs, systems
engineering, fabrication, assembly, test and launch
operations. The contract will also provide services to
conduct management, scientific and technical studies.

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