NASA announced selection of ITT Industries for the
implementation phase work on the Advanced Baseline Imager
(ABI) instruments for the next generation of Geostationary
Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES).

This implementation effort is the second phase of a two-part
phased acquisition. The contractor will deliver infrared and
visible environmental imaging instruments for the GOES-R
Series of geo-synchronous satellites to replace older
instruments. America and its international partners depend on
observations from the two GOES satellites to monitor the
Earth surface and weather related events such as hurricanes
and storms and provide advance warning to the affected

The new instruments upgrade U.S. weather satellites’
technology to provide accurate, precise weather information
with improved resolution to forecasters and other users in a
timely manner. The work will be performed mainly at ITT’s
Fort Wayne, Ind. location.

Under the terms of a basic cost-plus-award fee contract, the
company will design, develop, fabricate, integrate and test
and provide post-delivery support for a prototype model and
two flight models.

There are three options: one for a third flight model; one
for a fourth flight model; and one for a spare flight model.
The period of performance extends through the 10-year
operational lifetime for each flight model. If all options
are exercised, the potential period of performance will
extend through 2029. The cost plus award fee of the contract,
including all options is $358,909,846.

GOES is operated and managed by the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NASA’s Goddard Space
Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., procures and manages the
acquisition of the GOES satellites for NOAA.

For information about the GOES satellites on the Internet,

For weather imagery and atmospheric sounding information on
the Internet, visit:

For information about NASA programs on the Internet, visit: