NASA, Stellar Solutions, Space Foundation, and Lockheed Martin Provide Winners

(Washington, DC)— Women in Aerospace (WIA), a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the advancement of women in aerospace and related careers, and to recognizing the achievements of outstanding women in aerospace, today announces the recipients of its annual award competition. The awards will be officially presented to winners during a reception on Capitol Hill, Tuesday, September 21.

Chosen by a review committee from an open solicitation, this year’s winners will receive awards in six different categories. “WIA recognizes that ‘achievement’ in aerospace can come in many forms, and our awards categories attempt to capture the gamut of those contributions. This year’s winners and slate of nominees have once again substantiated the fact that women are making tremendous strides in aerospace,” said Amy Kaminski, 2004 awards program co-chair.

This year’s winners are:

Lifetime Achievement Award: Estelle Condon, Associate Center Director for Astrobiology and Space Programs, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California.

Outstanding Leadership Award: Celeste V. Ford, President and CEO, Stellar Solutions, Inc., Palo Alto, California.

Outstanding Achievement Award: Rebecca A. MacKay, Science Advisor to the Materials Division Chief, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio.

International Achievement Award: Anne Thompson, Research Scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland.

Aerospace Educator Award: Patricia J. Arnold, Vice President of Education and Workforce Development, Space Foundation, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Aerospace Awareness Award: Sharon A. Eggleston, Project Management and Planning Operations Representative, Lockheed Martin Information and Technology Services, Bath, Maine.

Women in Aerospace is a Washington, DC-based nonprofit organization dedicated to expanding women’s opportunities for leadership and increased visibility within the aerospace community. Any person who supports WIA’s mission and goals is eligible for membership.