NASA’s cutting-edge research in information technology, aeronautics and space science will be featured at the 2004 Air and Space Show at Moffett Field, May 29-30.

“The 2004 Air and Space Show at Moffett Field offers NASA an extraordinary opportunity to promote our mission in information technology and aeronautics,” said G. Scott Hubbard, director of NASA Ames Research Center, located in California’s Silicon Valley. “We are delighted to be a participant in this exciting event that gives our friends in the neighboring communities the opportunity to view our exhibits of cutting-edge research and technology.”

Housed in a large tent adjacent to historic Hangar One, the 16,000-square foot NASA display will feature a variety of exhibits highlighting new and emerging technologies. NASA Ames’ information technology displays will highlight advances made by applying the latest techniques in digital technology to real-world problems and situations.

NASA Ames’ exhibits are organized around four themes: ‘All About Ames;’ ‘Life on Earth;’ ‘Living in Space and on Other Planets;’ and ‘Exploring the Universe’ in support of the national Vision for Space Exploration. Exhibits will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. On Friday, May 28, NASA has invited students from several Bay Area schools to participate in an Education Day to learn more about NASA’s research and technology.

In the ‘All About Ames’ exhibit, visitors will learn about the history of NASA Ames Research Center and its current mission in research and development. Visitors also will learn about the future of Ames and the development of NASA Research Park, a dynamic research and development campus at Moffett Field.

The ‘Life on Earth’ section’s exhibits show how NASA’s research and technology benefit people on Earth every day. Exhibits include information about local environmental monitoring, technology spin-offs, and NASA’s work in aeronautics.

In the ‘Living and Working in Space’ section, exhibits show how people will live and work in future space craft, and on other planets. Information about Ames’ Space Station Biological Research Project is featured, and a space suit will be on display.

Exhibits in the ‘Exploring the Universe’ section will showcase the role that Ames has played in space exploration missions, and plans for future space exploration activities. Exhibits will include information about Lunar Prospector, the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) and a ‘rover rink’ with models of robotic rovers designed to explore other planets. There also will be exhibits about astrobiology, the study of the origin, evolution, distribution and future of life in the universe.

Other displays featured in the NASA Space Exploration Exhibit include a cockpit display of traffic information that provides pilots with a detailed, 3-D display of the weather and air traffic in their vicinity; a display of an Autogenic Feedback Training Exercise that teaches people how to monitor and control physiological responses in high-stress environments; 3-D audio that helps pilots hear better over their headsets; and fatigue countermeasures that help pilots and others deal with the effects of sleep loss and jet lag.

This year, the Air and Space Show will feature the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds precision jet team, the first time this elite group has performed at Moffett Field in 16 years. Established in 1953, the Thunderbirds are comprised of six red, white and blue F-16 aircraft and are renowned for their precision aerial maneuvers.

In addition to the Thunderbirds’ performance, spectators this year also will be able to see some of the top military jet teams and civilian stunt pilots in the country, including:

  • F-15 Eagle demonstration of the world’s most superior air-to-air fighter;
  • Air Force ‘heritage flight’ featuring the F-15 alongside a P-51 Mustang;
  • World-renown wing walker Theresa Stokes and pilot Gene Soucy;
  • Learjet aerobatics by Bobby Younkin;
  • Steve Coan in the world’s fastest self-launching sailplane;
  • Dazzling aerial rolls and spins by Sean DeRosier;
  • High-speed jet aerobatics by the Patriots L-39 jet team.

Besides the aviation action in the sky, spectators will be able to view more than 20 military
and civilian aircraft on display, including a walk inside NASA’s 747 space shuttle transport.
Modern fighters like the F-15 also will be on display, along with various support aircraft, including the KC-135 air-to-air refueler.

Discounted advance tickets are available until May 28 at $10 for children and $15 for adults by calling 1-800-553-6637, ordering online at, or from a ticket booth adjacent to the Exploration Center at NASA Ames Research Center. Tickets at the gate are priced at $15 for children ages 4-12, and $20 for adults. Children under 4 will be admitted free.

Limited VIP parking will be offered on-site, adjacent to the air show entrance gates and accessible from the Moffett Field main gate. Reserved park-and-walk parking will be offered by several companies, including Juniper Networks, Lockheed Martin and Yahoo, located on Mathilda Avenue between Highway 237 and Caribbean Road, Sunnyvale. Shuttle bus service will be provided to the air show. A limited number of free parking spaces will be available on Ellis Street between Highway 101 and Middlefield road with the option of taking the Valley Transportation Authority light rail system or walking to the Ellis Street entrance to Moffett Field.

Thousands of people are anticipated to attend the two-day air show, with event hours scheduled 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. PDT Saturday and Sunday, May 29-30. For more information call 650-599-5057 or visit: