The next Stafford-Covey Return to Flight Task Group
public meeting is 9 a.m. EDT, Friday April 16, in the Webster
Civic Center, 311 Pennsylvania Avenue, Webster, Texas.

A press conference follows the meeting at 1 p.m. EDT at
NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC), Houston. Reporters must be
present to participate. Contact the JSC Public Affairs Office
at 281/483-5111 by 4 p.m. EDT, April 15, for accreditation.

Press conference participants: Return to Flight Task Group
Co-Chairman Richard O. Covey; Technical Panel Chairman Joseph
Cuzzupoli; Management Panel Chairman Dr. Daniel L. Crippen;
and Operations Panel Chairman Col. James C. Adamson.

The Task Group was chartered by NASA to perform an
independent assessment of the agency’s implementation of the
Columbia Accident Investigation Board recommendations. The
group is co-chaired by Covey, a former Space Shuttle
commander, and retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General and
Apollo commander, Thomas P. Stafford. For information about
the Task Group on the Internet, visit:

For information about NASA and return to flight activities on
the Internet, visit: