NASA selected 10 research proposals for negotiation of
Phase 2 contracts for NASA’s 2002 Small Business Innovation
Research (SBIR) awards, and 18 proposals for negotiation of
contracts for the 2002 Phase 2 Small Business Technology
Transfer (STTR) awards.

The SBIR projects have a total value of approximately $6
million and will be awarded to 10 small, high technology
firms in six states. The STTR projects have a total value of
approximately $9 million and will be awarded to 17 companies
in 13 states.

The goal of the NASA SBIR and STTR programs is to stimulate
technological innovation. The programs also seek to increase
the use of small businesses, including women-owned and
disadvantaged firms, to meet federal research and development
needs, and to increase private sector commercialization of
innovations derived from federally funded research. The STTR
program includes partnerships with non-profit research

SBIR Phase 1 contractors submitted 251 Phase 2 SBIR
proposals. The proposals were evaluated to determine they met
SBIR Phase 1 objectives and are feasible research innovations
for meeting agency needs. Phase 2 continues development of
the most promising Phase 1 projects. Selection criteria
include technical merit and innovation, Phase 1 results,
value to NASA, commercial potential and company capabilities.
Funding for Phase 2 contracts may be up to $600,000 for a
two-year performance period.

STTR Phase 1 contractors submitted 18 Phase 2 STTR proposals.
The proposals were evaluated to determine they met STTR Phase
1 objectives and are feasible research innovations for
meeting agency needs. Phase 2 continues development of the
most promising Phase 1 projects. Selection criteria include
technical merit and innovation, Phase 1 results, value to
NASA, commercial potential and company capabilities. Funding
for Phase 2 contracts may be up to $600,000 for a two-year
performance period.

The SBIR/STTR Program Manager is located at NASA’s Goddard
Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. Executive oversight is
provided by NASA’s Office of Exploration Systems, Washington.
Individual SBIR and STTR projects are managed by NASA’s 10
field installations.

For information about the selected companies on the Internet,

For information about NASA and agency programs on the
Internet, visit: