In a move designed to align the lab with NASA’s new exploration agenda
outlined by President George W. Bush, Dr. Charles Elachi, director of
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., has announced
personnel changes and the formation of a new office at JPL.

“We are adding an Exploration Systems and Technology Office at JPL,”
said Elachi. “This new office will focus and develop JPL’s skills to
best support America’s future space endeavors.”

Mike Sander has been appointed manager of the new Exploration Systems
and Technology Office. He will be responsible for all JPL activities
and missions related to NASA’s new Office of Exploration Systems,
except the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter. Sander had served as project
manager for the upcoming Mars Science Laboratory mission.

“It is an exciting vision and a wonderful opportunity for the
country,” said Sander. “We will need the best and the brightest people
to carry it through, and I know the Exploration Systems and Technology
Office will do its part.”

Mars Exploration Rover project manager Pete Theisinger has been
selected as the new project manager for the Mars Science Laboratory
offices. The Mars Science Laboratory, the next generation of Mars
rover, is slated for launch in the fall of 2009.

“It is an easy transition for me,” observed Theisinger, “because I
leave the rover mission in such capable hands. While I will be
watching and observing the many discoveries of Spirit and Opportunity
to come, I look forward to the challenges that lie ahead of me with
the Mars Science Lab.”

Replacing Theisinger at the helm of the Mars Exploration Rover mission
is Richard Cook, who had served as deputy project manager. As the new
project manager, Cook will lead the 400 people working around the
clock on NASA’s current mission of discovery to the red planet.