NASA is planning the second annual summit of the Space
Shuttle Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) Feb. 17-18 at
the San Luis Resort in Galveston, Texas. Reporters are
invited to attend meetings on both days of the summit, as
well as a press conference at 9 a.m. EST on Feb. 19 at
NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston.

On Jan. 14 President Bush laid out the vision for the future
of NASA’s human space flight programs. He called for NASA to
use the unique capabilities of the Space Shuttle to finish
assembly of the International Space Station by 2010.

The President’s vision alters the mission of SLEP, making it
more important than ever. At the SLEP summit,
representatives from government, industry, and academia will
focus on prioritizing investments in the Shuttle to ensure
the fleet can safely meet the President’s goal. SLEP studies
and projects may serve as a test bed for technologies to
enable the next generation of space travel.

Media are responsible for their own transportation,
accommodations, and meals. Reporters interested in attending
SLEP should contact Melissa Mathews at NASA Headquarters
(202/348-1272) by 5 p.m. EST on Tuesday, Feb. 10.

For more information about the SLEP Summit on the Internet,
including an agenda, visit: