On Wednesday 28 January 2004, the House of Representatives will take up S. 610, the “NASA Workforce Flexibility Act of 2003”. 

This legislation was introduced in the House by Science Committee Chairman Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) as H.R. 1085 (“NASA Flexibility Act of 2003 “). 

The legislation would address the “brain drain” at NASA, giving NASA more flexibility to recruit and retain a highly skilled workforce. 

Related Links

  • 12 March 2003: Testimony by Bobby L. Harnage before the House Science Committee
  • 12 March 2003: Testimony by Robert S. Walker before the House Science Committee
  • 12 March 2003: Testimony by John W. Douglass before the House Science Committee
  • 12 March 2003: Testimony by John J. Hamre before the House Science Committee
  • 12 March 2003: Testimony by George Nesterczuk before the House Science Committee
  • 12 March 2003: Testimony by Max Stier before the House Science Committee
  • 12 March 2003: Hearing Charter: The Aerospace Commission Report & NASA Workforce
  • 11 March 2003: Media Advisory: Future of the Aerospace Industry: NASA Workforce Legislation
  • 6 March 2003: Rep. Boehert’s Testimony to Senate Government Affairs Committee on NASA Workforce Issues
  • 5 March 2003: Boehlert to Testify at Senate Hearing on NASA ‘Brain Drain’ and his Legislation to Address Growing Problem