NASA has selected COLSA Corporation of Huntsville, Ala.,
as prime contractor for its Huntsville Operations Support
Center (HOSC) contract. The estimated value of the contract is
approximately $125.6 million.

COLSA will provide operations and maintenance and system
development services to meet the requirements of the Flight
Projects Directorate, Ground Systems Department and the
International Space Station Payload Operations Center and its

The HOSC contract, with a period of performance of five years,
is a small business set-aside and the fourth of the five work
packages contained in the Space Mission Communications and
Data Services (SMCDS) solicitation. The contracts awarded as a
result of SMCDS will succeed a portion of the current NASA
Consolidated Space Operations Contract (CSOC). The Huntsville
Operations Support Center contract is also a re-competition of
the Utilization and Mission Services contract.

Other members of the COLSA Corporation team include
subcontractors Computer Sciences Corporation of Lanham, Md.,
and Morgan Research Corporation of Huntsville, Ala.

For more information about Space Mission Communications and
Data Services and the Huntsville Operations Support Center,