How do you prepare a tasty Thanksgiving meal that must be
packaged months in advance, sent to Russia for shipping,
require no refrigeration, and be eaten without creating

Enter Vickie Kloeris, Subsystem Manager for the Space Shuttle
and International Space Station Space Food Systems. Kloeris
leads the team that plans and prepares the meals for the U.S.
astronaut corps, including the two people living aboard the
Space Station and spending this holiday season orbiting 240
miles overhead.

Media are invited for a special behind-the-scenes opportunity
to see and experience the Space Food Systems Laboratory where
“space food” is developed, packaged, tested and tasted.

Participants will:

  • Taste a space food meal;
  • Tour the food lab kitchen where space meals are prepared, packaged and tested;
  • Interview top “chef” and food scientist Kloeris and others
  • involved in planning and preparation of U.S. space food, including astronauts; and
  • Prepare space food using a shuttle galley mock-up.

An update on the International Space Station Program will be
available and individual interview requests will be

Media planning to attend must fax a request for press
accreditation to the JSC Newsroom, at 281/483-2000, before 6
p.m. EST Nov. 14.

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