NASA officials will join students, leading educators and
others from across the nation tomorrow in Washington to
discuss the benefits of space travel and the future of
education in America. The discussions will be part of the
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s 33rd Annual
Legislative Conference at the new Washington Convention

A description of NASA participation follows. All times are

9 a.m.: Dr. Adena Williams Loston, NASA’s new Associate
Administrator for Education, astronaut Joan Higginbotham and
others will participate in a Science and Technology
Braintrust symposium, “In Tribute to Space Exploration,”
hosted by U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas).

4 p.m.: Dr. Loston will keynote an address, “NASA’s New
Education Enterprise,” to kick off an Education Braintrust
symposium, “Using Technology for Tutorial and Program
Enhancement,” hosted by U.S. Rep. Major Owens (D-N.Y.).

5 p.m.: Dr. Loston will be interviewed in conjunction with
Education Braintrust activities by Net Generation of Youth
(NGY) cyberjournalist teams from across the country
representing youth-serving organizations. The students will
participate in Education Braintrust programs, where they will
meet with key decision makers in addition to Dr. Loston,
develop increased media literacy skills, and have the
opportunity to express youth viewpoints on key issues.

6:30 p.m.: Dr. Loston will attend a gala awards dinner hosted
by Owens to present Technology Empowering Communities (TEC)
Champion Awards to 24 directors of NASA Science Engineering
Mathematics and Aerospace Academies (SEMAA). The awards event
will take place at the headquarters office of the National
Education Association in Washington (1201 Sixteenth Street,

Better known as “CBC Week,” the Annual Legislative Conference
is one of the nation’s largest annual professional gatherings
of African-Americans and raises millions of dollars for
scholarships, internships and fellowships. NASA’s presence at
CBC Week this year also includes the NASA Pavilion in the
exhibit hall.

To schedule interviews with astronaut Joan Higginbotham or
Dr. Loston, contact Gretchen Cook-Anderson at 202/358-0836.

For information about NASA Education programs on the
Internet, visit:

For more information about CBC Week on the Internet, visit:

For more information about NASA on the Internet, visit: