On August 13, 2003, Andrew Santangelo, President, The Michigan Technic
Corporation (TMTC), Holland, MI, pled guilty in U.S. District Court,
Western District of Michigan, Grand Rapids, MI, to violating Title 2,
United States Code, Section 441b, ‘Contributions Made By a Corporation
in Connection with an Election to a Political Office.’ This plea was
in response to a criminal information filed on March 31, 2003.

The investigation disclosed Santangelo used his corporation, TMTC, a
NASA contractor, to make campaign contributions totaling approximately
$7000, in connection with the election of a candidate for the United
States Senate. Santangelo had TMTC employees send payments to the
campaign, which were then reimbursed by the corporation.

This investigation was conducted by the NASA Office of Inspector
General and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Assistant U.S.
Attorney Richard Murray, Western District of Michigan, Grand Rapids,
MI, handled the prosecution.

For more information on this release, please contact Madeline
Chulumovich, Executive Officer, NASA Office of Inspector General at
(202) 358-0615.