Teledyne Technologies
Incorporated today announced that Teledyne Energy Systems,
Inc., was awarded a $4.3 million contract option to develop and
deliver an “engineering model” Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel
cell power system rated at 7 kilowatts to NASA’s Glenn Research
Center. The 20 month option represents Phase II of Teledyne Energy
Systems’ contract awarded in 2001 to develop a more reliable, powerful
and low maintenance fuel cell power system for use in NASA’s Second
Generation Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) Program. In addition, the
contract includes a second, optional $1.2 million advanced technology

The engineering model will include the PEM fuel cell power module
and all related ancillary components packaged into a single power
plant assembly. The power plant assembly is designed to conform to
operational parameters necessary for use in Next Generation Launch
Technology vehicles, the Orbital Space Plane and the Space Shuttle.
The engineering model will demonstrate key technology requirements,
including the ability to meet the power profile, to operate in a space
environment through testing in a thermal vacuum chamber, to operate
under launch and flight conditions through testing on a vibration
table, and to provide drinking water for the flight crew.

“This award continues a period of contract wins by Teledyne Energy
Systems in the space power sector and demonstrates our commitment to
quality, reliability and innovation,” said Robert Mehrabian, chairman,
president and chief executive officer of Teledyne Technologies. “The
award allows Teledyne Energy Systems to expand its experience in
unmanned space power systems into manned space missions where our
history of reliability and safety are even more important.”

The Phase II project follows the success of the $1 million, 17
month Phase I, in which Teledyne delivered a 5 kilowatt breadboard
model to NASA in early 2003. The 5 kilowatt unit is undergoing testing
by NASA to evaluate its ability to respond to power profiles typical
of a manned space mission. Advances over the 5 kilowatt unit planned
for Phase II include the use of an upgraded fuel cell stack, improved
packaging and inclusion of an active water management system rated for
microgravity use.

PEM fuel cells convert the energy available in hydrogen and oxygen
to electricity and water. Under development by Teledyne for a wide
array of commercial applications, PEM fuel cells offer several
advantages over the alkaline fuel cells currently used for
spaceflight, such as the potential for lower cost due to their wider
commercial uses; lower maintenance costs due to their simpler design,
which is based on solid-state technology; and a greater operational
flexibility created by their wide power band.

Teledyne Technologies is a leading provider of sophisticated
electronic components, instruments and communication products, systems
engineering solutions, aerospace engines and components and on-site
gas and power generation systems. Teledyne Technologies has operations
in the United States, the United Kingdom and Mexico. For more
information, visit Teledyne Technologies’ website at