Media are invited to the 3-day symposium, “Four Years of Chandra
Observations: A Tribute to Riccardo Giacconi,” from Tuesday, September
16 through Thursday, September 18, 2003. The symposium will be held at
the Huntsville Marriott and will feature the latest results from
Chandra, NASA’s Great Observatory.

The symposium, sponsored by the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in
Huntsville, AL, will focus on Chandra but is also open to results from
all of high-energy astrophysics. Riccardo Giacconi, the 2002 Nobel Prize
for Physics, is an honoree of the symposium and will be in attendance.

Members of the media may attend this conference in person, or
participate in the press conferences via telephone. Registration for
the media is free and can be arranged by emailing the bottom portion of
this advisory to Megan Watzke. (In addition to the Chandra press
activities, tours to MSFC facilities may be possible. If interested in
such a tour, please indicate in the response below.) Please note that
reporters will be responsible for arranging and funding their own hotel
and travel accommodations.

For further information on this meeting, please visit the symposium
website at:

Additional information on the Chandra X-ray Observatory can be found
at: and



Four Years of Chandra Observations
September 16-18, 2003
Huntsville Mariott
Huntsville, Alabama

Megan Watzke
Chandra X-ray Center
60 Garden St MS 6
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: 617-496-7998
Fax: 617-495-7356

____YES, I will attend the “Four Years of Chandra ObservationS” meeting
as “Working Press.” Please have my press badge and meeting information
packet ready. My registration information is filled out below.

____ YES, I will attend and I would be interested in touring other MSFC
sites before, after, or during the symposium. In particular, I would
like to see: _______________________.

____NO, I cannot attend, but would like to participate via telephone in
any press conferences.

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  • Last Name
  • Affiliation for Name Tag
  • Address 1
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