Over 600 planetary scientists from around the world are expected to
converge on Monterey, California, from Monday, September 1, through
Saturday, September 6, 2003, for the 35th annual meeting of the Division
for Planetary Sciences (DPS) of the American Astronomical Society
(AAS). The meeting will be held at the Doubletree Hotel and Monterey
Conference Center (http://www.doubletreemonterey.com) at 2 Portola Plaza,
Monterey, California 93940 [Phone: (831) 649-4511]. The URL of the meeting
web site is http://dps03.arc.nasa.gov/.

Press conferences will be held from 12:00 noon to 1:00 PM Wednesday through
Saturday. Details of the press conference topics and the press room and
press conference room locations will be emailed to those who indicate an
interest in attending. Tentative topics include new findings on Mercury,
Venus, Mars, Saturn, Europa, asteroids, comets, Kuiper Belt objects, and
extra-solar planets.

Members of the press are invited to attend the meeting at no
charge. Please contact Dr. Ellis Miner, the DPS Press Officer, for more
information on press registration and meeting logistics. A pre-conference
packet containing preliminary press releases of some of the new results to
be presented at the meeting will be emailed to interested press members on
August 15 — please contact the press officer if you wish to
receive the electronic mailings. Hard-copy press releases will be
available at the meeting. As always, press releases are embargoed for
publication until they are presented at the meeting.