CHICAGO, June 14 — NASA today introduced a revamped version
of its web site ( ) to enhance understanding of the agency’s
contributions to everyday life.

The new NASA web site was created in February as a joint effort between
Critical Mass of Chicago, an interactive firm that serves numerous global
brands, and eTouch of Pasadena. It is a single portal that draws upon 2,922
NASA-related web sites and 4 million pages of information.

Additional elements have now been put in place that will make the site
easier to navigate and permit it to offer enriched, user-focused content.
These enhancements are expected to provide particular value now that NASA has
launched its Mars Exploration Rovers. The previous Mars mission, Pathfinder,
attracted 750 million hits during the six months from launch to landing,
making it one of the most visited events on the web in its time. The Mars
Exploration Rovers, which will search for water on the planet’s surface among
other tasks, may attract many times more visitors to the site immediately
after landing in January 2004.

The new NASA Home Page ( ) debuted only three weeks after
Critical Mass and eTouch began work. Among the most significant changes were
the creation of interactive features designed to appeal to children, students,
educators and the general public. The site has sections that focus on NASA’s
programs to understand the Earth, explore the Universe and advance aeronautics
research. These features, which will now contain even more information, will
help NASA connect with a wider audience.

NASA and Critical Mass are employing a web strategy that aims to provide
the public with content tailored to its interests; inspire young people by
giving them a rewarding on-line experience; and involve the public by
providing an outlet through which it could become directly involved with the

The new NASA portal represents a major reorientation of the NASA brand.
“The goal of the Critical Mass/NASA team is to enable the web site to
re-ignite the public’s passion for NASA,” says Jerry Johnston, CEO of Critical
Mass. “With vivid pictures and surprising information about the array of
applications that have been made possible by NASA discoveries, the agency will
achieve its full communications potential by means of its web site.”

As a leading proponent of “customer experience management,” Critical Mass
will have succeeded, says Johnston, “If we transport visitors into a
multi-media environment, encourage journeys of personal discovery and
learning, and empower the public to become involved through such features as
interactive games and NASA Connect e-mail.”

About Critical Mass

Critical Mass, a world-class interactive firm and a leader in Customer
Experience Management, develops Web sites and marketing campaigns for some of
the most admired brands in the world, including Mercedes-Benz, Dell, Procter &
Gamble, Hyatt Hotels, Nike and others. The company has offices in Chicago, New
York, Austin, Las Vegas, Calgary and Stockholm. As a result of a 50 percent
equity investment, Critical Mass is a member of the Omnicom Group Inc., the
world’s leading marketing communications company. .

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