Gen. Roy D. Bridges, Center Director for NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Fla., has been named Center Director for the agency’s Langley Research Center, Hampton, Va., Gen. Bridges, a retired U.S. Air Force Major General and former Space Shuttle pilot will assume his new duties Aug. 10.

“Roy’s experience as an aviator and his work to advance aerospace technology made him a natural selection to lead the agency’s premiere center for aviation and space research,” said William F. Readdy, Associate Administrator for Space Flight at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “He’s a natural leader, innovator and problem solver. I look forward to his contributions at Langley.”

Gen. Bridges was named KSC Center Director in March 1997. There he was responsible for managing all of the agency’s facilities and activities related to the processing and launch of the Space Shuttle and expendable launch vehicles, as well as final tests, preparations and processing of experiments and segments of the International Space Station. He also worked to develop the spaceport and range technologies to improve safety and reduce the cost of access to space.

“Since 1917, Langley has pushed the frontier of aerospace technology development,” addedDr. Jeremiah F. Creedon, Associate Administrator for Aerospace Technology at Headquarters. “Langley is fortunate to have someone with Roy’s diverse aerospace and technology development experience. Our colleagues at Langley are in good hands.”

Langley was established as the nation’s first civilian aeronautics laboratory. It’s a legacy that lives on today with more than half of the center’s research efforts geared towards aviation.Langley is a recognized leader in aviation safety initiatives, quiet aircraft technology, small aircraft transportation and aerospace vehicles system technology. It supports NASA space programs with atmospheric research and technology testing and development.

“General Bridge’s distinguished military service and flight experience as both a pilot and astronaut are vital to the continued success of Langley and its many cutting-edge aerospace and advanced technology programs,” said NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe.