CNES’s Toulouse Space Centre is positioning the AMC-9 satellite launched
atop an ILS Proton rocket (International launch Services) on the morning of
7 June 2003 on behalf of Alcatel Space and its customer, US operator SES

The AMC-9 satellite, manufactured by prime contractor Alcatel Space, is
built around a SPACEBUS 3000B3 satellite bus.

CNES will now conduct positioning operations from its Toulouse control
centre to take the satellite from its initial transfer orbit to an
intermediate geostationary orbital slot at 81.9° West for system testing,
before moving to its final operational location at 85° West, pending FCC

The Toulouse Space Centre took charge of AMC-9 orbit control operations
after separation from the launch vehicle.

Operational facilities

The AMC-9 satellite will be tracked by a network of stations across the
globe. Control teams will communicate with the satellite via C-band links
from earth stations in Perth (Australia), Fucino (Italy), Clarksburg (United
States) and Paumalu (Hawaii).

The Toulouse Space Centre is in charge of coordinating the stations and
performing satellite control operations and manouvres with support from
space industry experts.

Satellite positioning operations will be carried out by a joint CNES-Alcatel
Space team overseen by CNES.

CNES has already successfully positioned 42 geostationary satellites, but
AMC-9 is the first this year.