NASA is headlining Career Day at the Lola Rodriguez de
Tio Academy of Future Technologies at Intermediate School
162 (600 St. Ann’s Avenue) in The Bronx, N.Y. on Monday,
June 9 from 7:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. EDT.

NASA’s Associate Administrator for Education, Dr. Adena
Williams Loston, is visiting the comprehensive technology-
themed model middle school, comprised primarily of students
of color, to discuss various science and technology career
options and to encourage more than 900 students to consider
the agency as a future place of employment. Loston will also
meet with science teachers to reinforce how educators can
access NASA’s teacher resources and classroom instructional
tools to make learning science more fun for their students.

The Academy of Future Technologies is made up of four mini-
academies: The Gifted and Talented Academy, the
Multicultural Academy of Computers and Community Service,
The Institute of Computer Publishing and Multimedia, and The
School of Computer Technology. Granted the distinction
since 1995 as an Annenberg Schools Network School of
Excellence, the school has been recognized by the New York
City Public School System for its astrophysics scholars
program, robotics instruction and student achievements in

For more information about Loston’s schedule at the Academy,
or to request an interview, contact Gretchen Cook-Anderson
at: 202/358-0836.

For more information about the Academy of Future
Technologies visit:

For information about NASA’s Education programs on the
Internet, visit: