NASA has selected 30 researchers to receive grants
totaling more than $13 million over four years. The grants
are for fluid physics research that emphasizes ground-based
experimental and theoretical studies that lead to new space
flight investigations. This research will aid in expanding
the understanding of fluid behavior and provide a scientific
foundation to advance technologies beneficial to life on
Earth and long duration space flight.

“The highly competitive peer review process, preceding the
selection of these projects, underscores the sustained
interest that leading researchers hold for the opportunity to
use space to break new scientific grounds,” said Eugene
Trinh, Director of the Physical Sciences Division for NASA’s
Office of Biological and Physical Research, Washington, which
sponsors the research. “We, at NASA, are looking forward to
the new technological capabilities for space exploration this
distinguished group will generate through its efforts.”

The research offers investigators the advantage of a low-
gravity and space environment to enhance understanding of
physical, biological and chemical processes associated with
fluid physics. Researchers will use NASA’s microgravity
research facilities, such as drop-towers and aircraft flying
parabolic trajectories.

NASA received 197 proposals in Dec. 2001, in response to the
research announcement. The proposals were peer reviewed by
scientific and technical experts from academia and
government. A list of awardees by state, institution, and
research title is available on the Internet at:

For information about NASA, Biological and Physical Research
on the Internet, visit:

List of Selectees By State:


Powell, Robert
University of California, Davis
“Studies of Emulsions Dynamics and Flows Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging”

Muller, Susan
University of California at Berkeley
“A Biosensor for Single-Molecule DNA Sequencing”

Knobloch, Edgar
University of California at Berkeley
“Structure and Dynamics of Free Surface Flows with Heating and Vibration”

Homsy, George
University of California Santa Barbara
“Mixing in Microgravity: Manipulating Tangential Stresses
and Time-dependent Body Forces to Enhance Mixing”

Cannell, David
University of California, Santa Barbara
“Gradient Driven Fluctuations”

Leal, L. Gary
University of California
“Flow-Induced Coalescence of Drops”

Hunt, Melany
California Institute of Technology
“Rheological Measurements of a Liquid-Solid Flow”

Dhir, Vijay
University of California, Los Angeles
“Low Velocity Flow Boiling of Ordinary Liquids
with Extension to Liquid Metals – The Effect of Reduced Gravity”


Clark, Noel
University of Colorado, Boulder
“Structure and Dynamics of Freely Suspended Liquid Crystals”

District of Columbia

Urbach, Jeffrey
Georgetown University
“Non-equilibrium Dynamics and Statistical Mechanics of
Excited Granular Media in the Absence of Gravitational Barriers”


Ladd, Anthony
University of Florida
“Dynamics and Structure in Colloidal Suspensions
far from Equilibrium”


Thomas, Aaron
University of Idaho
“Transport Processes in Novel Oscillating Flow Systems
for Separation and Contaminant Removal”

Mudawar, Issam
Purdue University
“Flow Boiling CHF in Reduced Gravity”

Ishii, Mamoru
Purdue University
“Two-fluid Model and Interfacial Area Transport
in Microgravity Condition”


Sorensen, Chris
Kansas State University
“Aggregation in Dense Systems: Crossover from
Cluster-Cluster-Aggregation to Percolation”


Sharp, M. Keith
University of Louisville
“Computer Modeling of the Role of Capillary Transport
in Producing Postflight Orthostatic Intolerance”


Weitz, David
Harvard University
“Fabrication of Active Photonic Structures
with Colloid Engineering”

McKinley, Gareth
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“The Effects of Shear History
on the Extensional Rheology of Complex Fluids”


Leheny, Robert
Johns Hopkins University
“Orientational Ordering, Pair Interactions,
and Controlled Self-assembly of Magnetic Nanowires
in Nematic Liquid Crystal Solvents”


Solomon, Michael
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
“Direct Visualization and Light Scattering Studies
of the Structure, Dynamics and Rheology
of Anisometric Colloidal Suspensions and Gels”

New Jersey

Troian, Sandra
Princeton University
“Microfluidic Actuation By Modulation
of Surface Stresses – Flow Modeling to Device Implementation”

New York

Koplik, Joel
City College of New York
“Molecular Dynamics of Fluid-solid Systems”

Avedisian, C. Thomas
Cornell University
“Flow Structure of Impinging Liquid Jets:
Numerical Analyses and Experimental Measurements in Microgravity”


Vander Wal, Randy
NASA Glenn Research Center
“Droplets Impinging Upon Liquid Films: A Study of Coalescence,
Jetting, Bubble Entrapment and Splashing”


Farouk, Bakhtier
Drexel University
“Thermoacoustic Convection and Transport
in Gases and Near-Critical Fluids under Microgravity Conditions”

Schiffer, Peter
The Pennsylvania State University
“Correlation Effects in Dense Wet and Dry Granular Media”

Garoff, Stephen
Carnegie Mellon University
“Wetting Dynamics of Complex Fluids and Surfaces”


Marston, Philip
Washington State University
“Acoustic Radiation Pressure Control
of Confined and Open Liquid Interfaces”

Thiessen, David
Washington State University
“Supported Capillary Pipes for Countercurrent Two-Phase Contacting”

Hermanson, James
University of Washington
“Stability and Flow Structure of Evaporating Films in Reduced Gravity”