On Tuesday, April 29 at 11:25 a.m. EDT, reporters will
have the chance to speak with incoming and outgoing crews of
the International Space Station during an on-orbit news
conference. NASA Television will broadcast the event live,
one day after the arrival of the Expedition 7 crew aboard the
Station. The crews will spend six days together.

Only 20 minutes of downlink television and audio are
available for the news conference. Reporters at participating
NASA centers will have the first 13 minutes to question the
astronauts and cosmonauts. The final portion of the news
conference is reserved for questions from Russian reporters
at the Mission Control Center, Korolev, Russia. NASA TV will
broadcast a translated version of the Russian segment as soon
as available.

Expedition 7 Commander Yuri Malenchenko and Flight
Engineer/NASA International Space Station Science Officer Ed
Lu begin their six-month mission April 25, on board a Soyuz
TMA-2 spacecraft, launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome,
Kazakhstan, at approximately 11:54 p.m. EDT.

On May 3, at approximately 10:03 p.m. EDT, Expedition 6
Commander Ken Bowersox, Soyuz Commander Nikolai Budarin and
NASA Space Station Science Officer Don Pettit land in
Kazakhstan on board the Soyuz TMA-1 craft that was docked to
the Station during their five-and-a-half month mission.

NASA TV is broadcast on AMC-2, Transponder 9C at 85 degrees
west longitude, vertical polarization, with a frequency of
3880 MHz, and audio of 6.8 MHz.

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