The workforce at NASA’s Glenn Research Center is a diverse mixture not only
of people and cultures but also of knowledge and skills. Awards to be
presented on Wednesday, April 16, will recognize both engineers and
craftsmen who demonstrate excellence that contributes to the mission of the
Center. The presentation will take place at 2:30 p.m. in the upper mezzanine
area of the Main Cafeteria in Building 15, where displays of the work being
judged will be available for viewing.

A critical segment of Glenn’s highly skilled workforce is comprised of model
makers, machinists, electrical and electronics technicians who build and
test research and flight hardware for technology development programs such
as turbomachinery, high temperature materials and microgravity combustion
research. Most of the hardware fabricated and tested is one of a kind and
not easily obtainable commercially.

The Craftsmanship Award will be presented to a craftsman, or team of
craftsmen, who fabricated a component or system that required a high degree
of skill and imagination, who devised a unique manufacturing process or who
overcame job difficulties such as a lack of information due to the highly
technical and experimental nature of the project. One award will be given in
manufacturing and another will be awarded in assembly and buildup. Four
nominees-three individuals and a team of three people–are in the
competition this year. The panel of expert judges is comprised of Glenn’s
technical managers and Human Resources Panel members and representatives
from local industry.

The Steven V. Szabo Engineering Excellence Awards is the most prestigious
engineering award given at Glenn. This award recognizes a current and
specific contribution, achieved during the past 3 years, resulting in an
engineering application that significantly helped solve an important or
difficult problem. In addition to the nomination, a letter of recommendation
is required from a customer of the nominee that states the benefits of the
engineering accomplishment. Three teams of engineers await the decision of
the Human Resources Panel.

Media interested in covering this event must call ahead to Sally Harrington
or the Media Relations Office (216/433-2901) to be cleared through security.