Providing premier base support services to the Cape Canaveral Spaceport is
Susan Kroskey’s main objective in her new role as executive director of the
Cape Canaveral Spaceport Management Office (CCSMO).

Effective April 6, 2003, Kroskey will assume this Senior Executive Service
(SES) position, managing the Joint Base Operations and Support Contract
(J-BOSC) for KSC and the 45th Space Wing (CCAFS and PAFB). She will report
to Kennedy Space Center Director Roy Bridges and to the 45th Space Wing
Commander Brig. Gen. J. Gregory Pavlovich.

“One of the most exciting aspects of this position is the opportunity to
enhance the partnership between the two Agencies,” she said. “I keep both
Agencies well informed on the activities of the base support contract
including technical, financial and contractual issues.”

Kroskey is expecting to maximize her unique responsibility. “I look forward
to being a part of the senior leadership teams of both agencies to effect
changes and build a more robust, performance-oriented spaceport for our

The Emory University summa cum laude graduate entered federal service in
1982 as a Presidential Management Intern. Kroskey, who also holds a Florida
State University master’s degree, previously served as the deputy director
of Installation Operations and in numerous managerial positions under the
Office of Chief Financial Officer (CFO), including deputy CFO for Resources.

She has received numerous awards and honors including the KSC Federal Woman
of the Year in 1992, the NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal in 1993, the
NASA CFO Special Services Award in 1997, the nomination for a National
Rotary Pace Achievement Stellar Award in 2000, and a NASA Exceptional
Service Medal in 2002.

Kroskey resides in Winter Springs, Fla., with her husband Joe and their
daughter Allison.